Friday, April 24, 2009


Yesterday afternoon, Noah had an appointment with Dr. Parker in Monroe about his eye. The whole time we were waiting, I kept trying to figure out exactly how you do an eye exam on a 9 month old. We can't put a spoon over one eye and have him read out the letters...he would eat the spoon before that happened. He can't put his chin in the big machine, which he loved by the way, while the doc asks.."Is this better, or this?, What about this?" I can't stand that's such a trick question because I always think the first one is perfect and then the other one is better, then I start to second guess myself. Anyway! But Noah did excellent. He was getting sleepy and tired before the doctor came in, but he did fine. All he really had to do was just sit there. The doc pulled out at least 25 diff. lights to shine in his eyes. He did say that everything looked great. He confirmed that it wasn't glaucoma (?), because that will tend to keep the eye running. He pushed next to the tearducts and goop came out. He said that more than likely, it's just a case of there being a small membrane in the nose canal that needs to be popped so that everything could drain properly. Soooo...instead of waiting until he turns 1 and doing all the anesthesia and "surgery", he will do a procedure in the office next Thursday morning at 7:30. We can't have anything to eat or drink before. They will numb around the eye area and then swaddle him real tight so that he can't move those arms. They will take a small probe and stick it down the duct, into the nose canal and into the nose to clear it. He said that it wouldn't take but about 2 minutes if that. From there we would take anibiotics about a week to make sure that we don't get an infection, and a steroid to make sure that it doesn't close right back up. Then we'll be ready to go back to Dorothy's for the day. Sounds pretty simple huh? I sure hope they don't ask me to hold him down...I'll be crying! Dr. Parker said that it's an 80% chance of it working. So please pray for my little man.


The Perkins said...

We will definitely be praying for Noah. I know this is hard on you, but it sounds like it will be for the best in the end. Good luck!! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Olivia had the surgery when she turned was absolutely worth it! It sounds scary, but it's really a simple thing...we'll be praying for Noah and Mommy!

Avery's Mommy said...

I am with you on the eye exam. I always second guess myself! There has got to be a better way of doing it.

Praying that all goes well w/ your cutie :)