Miranda Marleigh Kaden Kailee Madison Josh Cooper M Cooper B Birthday Monkey Pooka and Marleigh Brianna CAKE TIME!! Even Alli joined in The invite that Chris and I made for the party. We decided to make our on since we couldn't find exactly what we were looking for and they're expensive. I loved them and thought they turned out just fine!!
Today Noah turns 1! This year has flown by! We've enjoyed every minute of being "mama and dada"! He's such a loving, and precious little man. Thank you God for this sweet gift! We woke him up this morning and sang to him and he was ALL smiles. Then he had chocolate chip muffin for breakfast. It was a tradition in my house that for someones birthday we always had a cake made for breakfast. And we all would pile up in their bed and sing happy birthday and let them open their gifts. I plan on keeping this tradition going, but...there's no way that we're piling (fitting) into his bed, and I didn't see making a big cake for this year, so the muffin would do!
And he was in no way-shape-form interested in Alli this morning!! His gift from Dorothy!
I will have to post pics a few times. I have tons of pictures, bad internet, and a crazy hard drive that only works when it wants to! Bear with me!!
My baby had a LONG weekend!! Lets start with Friday. He would NOT go to sleep until about 10 or 10:30! Then on Saturday, he would NOT take a nap. Then only time his eyes closed were on the ride to town that morning. He was fussy and clingy at first, but he pulled through and didn't fall asleep in the cake. He loves chocolate like me so I HAD to make a choc cake for him! I wanted him to get messy, and what better way than with CHOCOLATE?
I decided to make the decorations and invites.
Lets GO Bananas
Sweets table
Cupcakes and toppers
Monkey smash cake
So there goes round 1 for you! Before I get off of here..Noah wanted me to tell you that he took a few steps on Sunday! Yay! Have a good (rainy) night!